Having Surgery
Preparing for Surgery
If you and Dr. Smith decide that surgery is appropriate for you, Dr. Smith and his team will help you to understand what is required to have the best outcome after surgery. Surgery can be a very stressful experience; we understand this. This is a team approach, and you are a critical member of the team. You should do your best before surgery to understand your role so that you can recover smoothly and as quickly as possible.
Discuss any medications you are taking with Dr. Smith to see which medications you should stop taking before surgery. Some medications, such as blood thinners, are often held at the time of surgery.
If you smoke, you should quit before surgery in order to minimize the risks of a problem such as failed bone or wound healing.
If you are going home the same day as surgery, make sure you have someone who will drive you home. Our team of pre-operative providers, including nurses, will reach out to you before surgery to discuss your health and outline what you need to do the day before and the day of surgery. Dr. Smith will then meet with you on the day of surgery to answer any additional questions you may have.
After Surgery
We are committed to managing your post-operative pain as best as we can, in a responsible and caring manner. You will be sent home after surgery with a packet of information about your recovery. Our team is available and wants to hear from you if you have any concerns.
It is very important to read the information that you are sent home with, which will include the following:
Post-operative expectations
Pain management
Other medications you may need to take
How to care for your post-operative dressing or cast
What activity and weight bearing is permitted
Your post-operative appointments
Who to call if you have any concerns
How to Reach Us
Office Phone: 617-983-7295
After-Hours Phone: 617-732-6660 (ask for the orthopaedic resident on call for Dr. Smith)
Patient Gateway Message - messages sent to Dr. Smith will be read and responded to. Patient Gateway is an excellent method of communicating with Dr. Smith for things such as paperwork requests, return to work questions, and non-urgent medication refill requests. We will respond to Gateway messages within 72 hours. Please do not expect a response immediately when using Patient Gateway. If it’s urgent, you should call the office or seek care in another manner such as dialing 911.